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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

No Longer the Maiden…why I am abandoning the Triune Goddess concept.

As a teen, I proudly called myself Wiccan. As I grew older, my views changed, my path wound round in confusing knots and I eventually settled for the term "pagan". Even though I do not call myself Wiccan, I do find myself using Wiccan terminology and religious expressions in talking and writing about my own beliefs. Wicca sits well with my love of archetype, and has done wonders for creating, or at the very least raising awareness of, archetypes.

First let me address, briefly, my view of Pagan Gnosticism. I have read the Gnostic Gospels and the infamous Jesus Mysteries (the series of books about Gnosticism, mysticism and the history of Christianity), and come to this understanding: Gnosticsm implies layers of belief and increasingly complex layers of understanding. In the "Jesus Mysteries" the authors state that (and I'm paraphrasing here) that Inner Mysteries, or the deeper truths, are reserved for the religiously elite (priestly castes and religious scholars), and that the Outer Mysteries are for the rest of the population, those that either should not or cannot comprehend the deeper truths. So in this sense, it is both true that the gods are separate and distinct personalities but also true that they are reflections of a larger divine force. Both ideas seem to be conflicting (hard vs. soft polytheism for example), but the Pagan Gnostic realizes that they aren't conflicting, and would further assert that it is also true that the deities themselves are merely metaphorical. All three of these truths are simultaneously true and valid. I will address Pagan Gnosticism in a later post.

So, while I no longer consider myself Wiccan I find their ideas and terms work well for me (privately, socially, and politically). I am a Pagan Gnostic in that I do not worship The Goddess, but many goddesses, yet consider all of these goddesses to be one great Goddess, but not a Triple Goddess. I used to identify with the Maiden, Mother, Crone triad, that metaphor of womanhood. This concept stands for the three major phases in the woman's life: her youth or virginal state, her adult state or state of childbearing, and her crone or post-menopausal state.

The virgin state irritates me the most. The Christian bible places a great deal of emphasis on the value of a bride in her virginal state (I will not bother to post specific verses, but please read Leviticus and "God and Sex" by Michael Coogan for an amazing scholarly study of gender roles in the bible), and the value of a woman based solely on her ability to reproduce. This virginal state is seen as optimal, and honestly contributes to the marginalization of women even today. In this virginal state, the Goddess or the woman in untamed, free, wild, pure, true to herself, innocent and strong. Then, she knows a man and gives birth. It's as if all those traits which made her desirable are gone; she is no longer free. She is captive to the cycles of nature. Many argue that the ancients did not view womanhood in the manner, yet I argue they certainly did. Read any of the ancient Grecco-Roman scholars and you will see comment after on comment on how people, particularly women, are to behave sexually. You will see an emphasis on the importance of virginity (how many maidens does Zeus and so many other gods deflower?).

The Mother is just that, the Mother. Many have begun to realize that this archetype just doesn't work anymore. We don't have sex solely for reproduction. Women are taking charge of their sexuality and expressing themselves sexually in unions different than the "typical" Judeo-Christian understanding: they aren't necessarily getting married, and they aren't necessarily having children. The idea of virgin meets man becomes mother does not work in a modern concept. I am a woman who is sexually active, mature, and capable of bearing children, although biologically I've been capable of this since I was fourteen with the onset of menstruation. Virginity and motherhood seem to be at complete odds with one another, conflicting. What do you a call woman who is no longer a virgin, no longer a little girl, but does not have children? She is that strange in-between, in a liminal stage to which the great archetype does not apply. One could argue that Aphrodite once fit this mold, sexually free, independent, and certainly no virgin (and then she has a couple godlings of her own and moves on into the next stage of life).

This is not to become a feminist rant, but rather to inquire as to why we, as modern Pagans, as sexually liberated people, continue to accept a metaphor for a life cycle which very rarely applies in our modern context. The metaphor is a simple one- the virgin is spring, the virgin is purity and beginnings- as if sex and menstruation are not pure and beginnings in and of themselves. The Crone is death, she's barrenness, she's cruelty- why is it that the postmenopausal woman must become a destroyer? Why is she necessarily wanton and harsh? In my Pagan context, these metaphors do not apply. I am not a virgin, the crones I know are not cruel as winter (and winter itself is not cruel). These speak to a past where we were ruled by the forces of nature, and this does not happen in our modern world (speaking of course of developed countries, with a respectful nod for those that aren't, and noting once again this is not a political discussion), where winter meant death and spring life.

I am abandoning the concept of the Triple Goddess. She cannot explain my life right now, where I am at, this liminal place of not-mother-not-virgin. Someday, I hope to be a mother, but even then I will not bow to a metaphor that deems my eventual menopause as destruction. I am a woman, and I will not be limited and cannot be explained by a simple archetype.

1 comment:

  1. I think that your article contains true informations.
    Ned from wiccan spells
